precision silicone moulding technology innovations

How we use silicone

Perfect moulds

Silicone rubber's molding applications are extensive due to its ability to capture fine details and its flexibility.

Silicone rubber's flexibility and detail-capturing ability make it ideal for various molding applications, including prototyping, arts and crafts, jewelry making, food industry molds, medical and dental uses, industrial parts, and consumer products like toys and household items.


What can silicone be used for?

Silicone rubber's ability to maintain its properties under a wide range of temperatures and its durability make it an ideal material for molding applications across various industries.

Can it be injected?
Can it be cast?
Suitable for Mass production?
Master Tooling

Material Document Libary

Mold StarTM 15, 16 and 30.pdf

Mold Starâ„¢silicones feature relatively low viscosities and vacuum degassing is not required for most applications.

Mold StarTM T Series.pdf

Featuring a relatively low viscosity and vacuum degassing is not required for most applications.

BLUESIL RTV 3428 A & B.pdf

Suitable for production of flexible moulds with excellent details reproduction, mechanical resistance and duration.

Smooth-SilTM Series.pdf

Offers tremendous versatility and are suitable for making production molds of any configuration, large or small.

SORTA-ClearTM Series.pdf

Ideal for making prototype, jewelry or other molds of any configuration where model visibility is important (i.e. extracting a model from the mold via cutting).

Spraysil eco TDS 2023.pdf

Very low viscosity, good fluidity before forming and excellent performance agfte curing.

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